Le Petit Prince à Strasbourg vous emmène dans son univers et celui de son créateur, Antoine de Saint Exupéry.
L'exposition Antoine de Saint Exupéry. Le Petit Prince parmi les Hommes à Strasbourg vous emmène à la rencontre du Petit Prince et vous fait découvrir la vie palpitante de son créateur !
In the exhibition Antoine de Saint Exupéry. The Little Prince among Humans, two worlds are meeting and finally merging. They have a common thread from the outset: Antoine’s mother, Marie de Saint Exupéry, who will guide them throughout their journey.
Le monde merveilleux du Petit Prince à Strasbourg
Discover the Little Prince and his wonderful universe! Through an art installation that revisits his timeless story, meet this little man coming from a distant planet to teach us about ourselves.
La vie passionnante d’Antoine Saint Exupéry
Unlike the celebrated The Little Prince, its author’s biography remains little known. However, the narratives of Saint Exupéry are inspired by his own life. And what a busy life he had! Passionate pilot, aviation pioneer, writer and soldier, Antoine de Saint Exupéry is a multi faceted novel character. For the first time, many personal objects, photographs, manuscripts and drawings are brought together to tell the story of The Little Prince’s author.
L’un e(s)t l’autre
The two worlds merge in a final grand space where the author and his illustrious character are playing hide-and-seek. This breathless back and forth leads to a happy ending in apotheosis.
L’atelier du Petit Prince
Lastly, an interactive workshop calls on you to express yourself, to react and to make choices. You will be confronted with situations related to the life and work of the writer, and will have to choose among the thoughts, attitudes and reactions, the one they are more familiar with.
Conçue et réalisée par Tempora, spécialiste belge dans la création d’expositions d’art, d’histoire et de civilisation, en partenariat avec la Fondation Antoine de Saint Exupéry pour la Jeunesse et Strasbourg Events, gérant et exploitant du Parc des Expositions.

L’UNESCO a désigné Strasbourg comme Capitale mondiale du Livre 2024. Cette exposition s’intègre parfaitement dans la thématique en présentant l’auteur du livre le plus traduit au monde.